Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, a week before Easter Day.
Memo: Holy Saturday Night the clocks move forward an hour
10.15am Palm Sunday:
Palm Procession and Solemn Eucharist,
Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem is celebrated with the rite of blessing and distribution of Palm Crosses and a procession, immediately followed by Solemn Mass.
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, a week before Easter Day.
10.15am Palm Sunday:
Palm Procession and Solemn Eucharist,
Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem is celebrated with the rite of blessing and distribution of Palm Crosses and a procession, immediately followed by Solemn Mass.
Holy Week ends with the Triduum – ‘Three Great Days’ celebrated at St Hilda’s
with the proper ceremonies. We welcome vistors every year. We sit in the chancel of the church (numbers permitting) so our sense of participation is heightened. There are cantors who sing some of the traditional music – tradtional texts are generally used throughout. Collections on Thursday and Friday are given to support the work of the Diocese of Jerusalem’s work to relieve the people of Palestine and the Middle East.
The Great Three Days and their services:
8pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy of the Last Supper
with (ceremonial) washing of feet, Eucharist, procession of the Sacrament to the Altar of Repose and stripping of Altars.
3pm Good Friday Liturgy of Our Lord’s Passion –
Corporate reading of Passion according to John, Veneration of the Cross; Mass of the pre-sanctified, burial of Jesus reading is sung to end the Liturgy. The Fast is broken with tea and toasted hot cross buns.
11.30 – 2.30 Holy Saturday Messy Church Easter Worship Workshop for children and parents.
Register by email saint.hildas@sainthildas.org
Three art and craft sessions to focus on the meaning of Easter pizza lunch – or bring your own if you have a special need
Easter Sunday
8.30 am Holy Communion said in the Lady Chapel.
9.50 am Lighting of new fire and Paschal Candle
10.15 am Solemn Mass with Renewal of Baptismal Vows followed by childrens easter egg hunt and distirbution of blessed eggs