St Hilda’s This Week

Sunday 8.30 am – Said Eucharist

Sunday  10.15 am – Solemn Eucharist 

&  Junior Church

Sunday Service Live Stream
Saint Hilda’s YouTube Channel


Donating to support us

By card  via our Dona page:  click  the ‘Tap to  Donate logo’ to select fund OR Scan URL for mobile phone  payments

Or by Bank transfer:

Sort Code: 20-49-81  Account No: 13966909

Tip: you have to leave out the apostrophe on ‘St Hildas’, so that it reads ‘St Hildas’ . Some banks accept the account name St Hilda’s PCC. Do let us  know if you send a special gift. Thank you!

If you would like to join our stewardship scheme, please email the office for info at:

Thank you!



Why should we be offended at the Olympics ceremony say some Christians? 
See this very focused expose of what is  happening. NB Many LGB and T people agree this was distasteful, sacrilegious,  destructive of  real tolerance,  and of the common good. We sympathise with all people of culture and sensibility, both  in France and across the world, who are disgusted and embarrassed at this deliberate offence to the highest value and dignity.

World Parkinson Day is 11th April

Mr Tony Budgen of St Hilda’s features in a special series interviews made for this year’s World Parkinson’s Day giving insight into the experience of this  health condition.
Tony writes: “I have been interviewed and recorded along with five other Parkinson’s people   and our stories have been put together in a video for this year’s WPD and this has just gone live. I hope that our varied stories are helpful”.   View from this link 


Two thought provoking  videos  to challenge current imbalanced rhetoric and growing un-happiness

Warning: there are occasionally some rude words.

Mums and Dads are equally primed to raise their babes; they come to it  differently; both need to be valued and supported for healthy outcomes.



Shroud of Turin Exhibition  – All Saints Notting Hill

A full-size copy of the world-famous Shroud of Turin is coming to All Saints Church, Notting Hill, W11 1JE. It will be on display from 4th September – 14th September and will be available to view outside of service times.  

The Shroud of Turin exhibition includes a beautiful 15 foot replica image which is a photograph printed onto cotton by an American photographer, Barrie Schwortz, who was the official photographer at the STuRP (Shroud of Turin Research Project) examination of the Shroud in 1978. The genuine Shroud of Turin which shows the image of a man who has been crucified is preserved with great reverence in the Cathedral of Turin and the full-length replica is very rare.  The exhibition has travelled widely and has been on display at Westminster Cathedral, Dublin Pro-Cathedral and Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral.

In 2009, Cardinal Vincent Nichols wrote that the exhibition ‘helps us to enter more deeply into the sufferings of our Lord.’   Pam Moon the curator of the exhibition said “It is possible to get an idea of the Shroud from television pictures, books, magazines and newspapers articles, but seeing it in its entirety is very challenging and moving.”  

One of the purposes of the exhibition is to show how brutal crucifixion really was and to tell the story of the crucifixion of Jesus. The exhibition includes original Roman nails, a replica whip and a spear.  And there are information boards about art, history and the latest research on the Shroud.

No-one understands how the image appears on the Shroud.  The STuRP team discovered it is not a painting, not a photograph and not a scorch but they could not determine the cause of the image.  In December 2011 Italian scientists attempted to “identify the physical and chemical processes capable of generating a colour similar to that of the image on the Shroud” by using short bursts of ultra violet light, using lasers.  They managed to re-create a small section of cloth with some of the properties of the Shroud (at least at a microscopic level) by this method.   They concluded that “some form of electromagnetic energy (such as a flash of light at short wavelength)” created the image on the Shroud of Turin.  As ultra violet lasers were not available to medieval forgers it opens the possibility that the Shroud is actually Jesus’ burial cloth, the image being created at the point of resurrection. One of the scientists Dr Paolo Di Lazzaro Prof Paolo Di Lazzaro, the head of the team, said: “When one talks about a flash of light being able to colour a piece of linen in the same way as the shroud, discussion inevitably touches on things like miracles and resurrection.” “But as scientists, we were concerned only with verifiable scientific processes. We hope our results can open up a philosophical and theological debate but we will leave the conclusions to the experts, and ultimately to the conscience of individuals.”

The Italian team’s research follows on from the work of other scientists like Dr Ray Rogers who was able to show that the area of the Shroud taken for radiocarbon date was highly contaminated by dye and cotton additions.

All Saints welcomes visitors to see the exhibition and make up their own minds about the Shroud of Turin.

You can learn more about the exhibition here:


“We have Traded Theophany for Dopamine”

Christmas 2022 and Christmas fundraising Report 2023

Christmas Services were very well attended and we were delighted to welcome so many children at  the Crib Service Christingle that we  had to  put out extra rows of Chairs. The new Dona Contactless Giving Machine  proved its value – a making  it easier for people to donate and to gift aid.  With the gift aid added  we are sending a  great total of £754.58 to  the Children’s Society


Harvest Festival Sunday 21st October

Here is a photo of this years’ display  – celebrating the  gifts of Creation and the  stewardship  of our famers. We  made a collection of Money  for the  Manna Society for  homeless in South East London,  and of  foods for the Forest Hill food bank. We major on money for the homeless at harvest, and on collecting for the foodbank in the Christmas and January period knowing that  February  is a particularly hard time for the  food bank. If you would like to contribute  please  use the BACS details below and  write Harvest in the  Identifier’ box.

Donating to support us- we appreciate  all who wish to  be part of our life, work and witness:

Thanks to all who have braved banking online to send in donations. Our bank details are to the  right.  Tip for online banking: you have to leave out the apostrophe on ‘St Hildas’, so that it reads ‘St Hildas’ – otherwise the banks will not accept our account name. some banks accept the account name St Hilda’s PCC. do let us  know if you send a special gift.

St Hilda’s Livestream
use this  link to go to our ‘You tube’  home page
You have to Subscribe first to be able to  access livestreams  
– hit Subscribe
– hit the  Live Service advert  to access the upcoming livestream
– hit receive notifications: when a new stream is scheduled YouTube will let you know

The ‘Bridge’ – Southwark Diocesan News paper

 news paper is  once gain post covid beign delivered  to each  congreatiaon : it can  be enjoyed online  using this link  to the  online publication on the diocesan website:

Communicating Forgiveness to a culture that has forgotten it’
For many people now, the small wrongs of life are too trivial to need forgiving and the big ones are too serious to be forgiven. This makes forgiveness look like either a fuss about nothing or an excuse for being soft on evil. The result is an unhappy perfectionism and the Church needs to learn who to engage with.  In his Diocesan conference keynote speech – ‘Communicating Forgiveness to a culture that has forgotten it’: Francis Spufford the author of the novel ‘Light Perpetual’ reflects very cogently on our current issues, and why we might want call people to take very seriously the call to follow Christ. 

Struggling mentally? Some of these links might help  

Suicidal thoughts- how can I help someone feeling suicidal 
Apathy –
Why it Matters if You Stop Caring About Anything
When Working from Home stops being funReasons you might be feeling low
Overthinking – Why You Do It and How to Stop
Fear of Death When Pandemic Makes Us Face Mortality
Made Redundant Thanks to Covid-19? Coping With Losing Work
On Each Other’s Nerves? How to Navigate “Coronavirus Relationship Conflict”
Surviving Lockdown With Family – This Can Help
Overreacting, or “Triggered”? Pandemic and Prior Mental Health Issues
Reaching Out Hard? 12 Keys to Getting Support

St Hilda’s is the Church of England
Parish Church of Crofton Park

We Worship God in Christ Jesus. We believe he enfolds us in the fellowship of his Church both those with whom we worship here in earth, and the Saints  in God’s nearer presence. We believe everyone has purpose to be revealed in God’s love as the Holy Spirit works in our lives. Our elegant Church building, and style of worship, express for us the beauty, truth and goodness of the Life God offers us. If you come, you will meet great people  who will be happy you have come to stand before God’s Altar, willing to Worship, Grow and Serve with us. As Christ opened wide his arms on the cross for all people, so we believe that God embraces us in our different backgrounds, gifts and struggles for his good purpose, he accepts and works with people where they are. We ask  from all who come a readiness to  worship alongside others who are imperfect yet who find their true unity and purpose in Christ, and who look forward to discovering who we may be through his Love at work in our lives.

For those who are bereaved or fearful, the Christian hope is both a great strength, and a power of transformation. What ever happens we are The Lord’s, and Our true life is hid safe in him in God.  We have posted this  beautiful song sung by Mr Stephen Eldridge for any who might need  to reconnect to the Christian faith at this time. Our thanks to  Stephen all his YouTube offerings over the covid period.

Lent 2022 – Jesse’s House Project, Muzondo Zimbabwe
 We are now collecting in our Lent jars to help  Jubilee Campaign  furnish the new School Room for secondary school aged children. Girls are too often picked off on the lonely trek to school,  raped, trafficked or killed.   

2022  so far £6302.10

2021  £ 2016 was  given  by St Hilda’s members and friends  to complete the last leg of the journey to transform this neglected  village where the majority of children are orphans.  A community shop is now  a focus for the community, and means that  lonely and  vulnerable treks  to the Town are no longer needed for supplies. This  project received Matched-Funding from a Grant maker.

Click here to learn more more  

Resources to deepen Sunday’s engagement with the Word. Our Lord  teaches us to recognise  evil in ourselves first of all, in order to be able to  release  the treasury of goodness that we have each been given.   Follow the link  to Jordan Peterson’s  illuminating commentary on  the nature of Evil through the Stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Able, and Noah.

Struggling spiritually? Many people are finding this a time  to reconnect to their Faith :
when life is ‘interrupted’, we can sometimes find our inner ‘core’ awakened – the ‘core’ where the Holy Spirit gives us both Life and Strength. Through his presence we connect to others in Worship and Prayer. If you are fearful, offering that fear to God can change things; you can turn your anxiety into a prayer for others in need, and by so doing, you open your heart to God’s transforming presence. Here is a traditional prayer of St Augustine –  you might like to say it to focus your intention. First, lift all your fearful thoughts and feelings to God as if you were offering him a gift (you may feel this is odd, but to God it is a wonderful gift He has been waiting to receive from you). Lift up those in need, and then use the following (or another prayer – perhaps ‘Our Father’)  to declare your deepest intention and desire for others to be helped:

Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight,
and give Your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend Your sick ones, O Lord Christ,
Rest Your weary ones,
Bless Your dying ones,
Soothe Your suffering ones,
Pity Your afflicted ones,
Shield Your joyous ones,
and all for Your love’s sake.  Amen.

Many people have found that connecting to a  worshipping congregation through live streamed services  is a great experience.       You are welcome to join us on our Sunday Live Stream from Church  – check out our Worship home page:
Live Stream and Eucharist sheet for use at home

Unrest and upset in the current period :

Post? Post-modernist movements come  centre stage. It is good for us to consider what it means, what opportunities and learning it affords and how to respond powerfully and graciously, and as good post moderns ourselves able to critique those whocriticise.
The stressful nature of this period has impacted on us all. The needs and tensions of our  societies, and of groups and causes within them, have been exacerbated and highlighted in our lives. How should we be in the world with each other? This is a big issue of human living – one that is at the heart of God’s concern for our full well-being.  How might  Christians respond to various movements and cultural phenomena of the era that secularists call post-modern? Understanding more deeply what is happening is important. Christians rightly do not just sit around uncaring. But how do we properly engage with social justice issues? With whom might we be making common cause? Should we do so without careful theological reflection? I am reminded of the French Revolution, where the clergy initially supported the demands for reform, and then were horribly persecuted by the ravening forces they helped let loose.  Below are links to two articles.  The first is from a traditionalist Protestant intellectual point of view: It’s well researched and clearly written to illuminate, to challenge, to help us re-root our bemused minds in God’s revelation of Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life; not just to help us speak from a position of critical discernment, but also to take to heart elements of post-modern insights which help us review our interpretation of our faith, and improve our presentation of it.  Grace. 

As a good Anglican I have also sourced a very different and  useful article written by a Catholic author in 2010. Like the angling of our two eyes to achieve depth of vision, this should give a richer perspective on how we must be as servants of the Eternal God in a world of temporal cultures and evanescent human social, intellectual and political movements. This author helps us review the context and multiple strands of thinking in Post Modernism and to look further how they can help us speak more cogently to people whose minds have been formed by the highly stimulated and strange abstraction of  modern culture. 

I would be interested to hear her reflections on current times, particularly on the espousal of violence against persons, institutions, and the ‘cancel culture’.  

Post-modernism would seem to many Christians to be at best a ‘two edged sword’: a useful perspective to have in a ‘kit of tools’ to bring into play as needed, but when globalised (‘totalised’) as a world view, dominating  all other disciplines, it becomes a corrosive  force truly destructive of intellectual wellbeing and the cohesive living it purports to enabling. For Christians who have espoused post-modernism there are significant challenges to our whole understanding of the meaning and nature of things, not least to the Biblical witness to God’s revelation in the life of mankind – which post-modernists would consider to be a ‘totalizing meta-narrative’, in their view this  a bad habit of ignorant people (of course that view does itself appear to be a naughty  a ‘totalising meta-narrative’ – but shhh! don’t say that in front of them- one thing is for sure, they do  find it hard to take their own medicine). Interestingly  Jacques Derrida one of  the big thinkers was himself open about the  contradiction at the heart of his ‘deconstruction’ method, and later distanced himself from it.

Many Christians would feel we fit more comfortably with the position called ‘Critical Realism’ which eschews the cynicism of the Post-modern mind set embraces and which  both theology and science – there is a Truth, but it is not simple  nor can it be so easily encapsulated in thoughts, but we do discern it and  we are on our way to discover it through many different means and ways – and  for Christians  this is includes being excited by what science has to offer  and not least in the experience of  following One in whom we find The Way, The Truth and The Life.

Post-modernism stresses that truth is entirely relative and subjective (I think this is important to understand, as many of us who appreciate aspects of a ‘post-modern’ approach may well not accept at all such a  level of disdain for the quest of understanding, or its level of exultation of the validity of individual subjectivity). Post- modernist criticism uses tools to deconstruct the ‘stories’/grand schemes we consciously or semi-consciously inhabit, and reduces all elements to binary structures, with designated power relationships being the base level of life – no love, no standard of excellence or beauty, no mediation of higher meaning or purpose – just power relationships as defined by them, and the cures proposed by their disciples – hence the accusation that it is fundamentally Marxist and a reductionism project with a narrow and cynical agenda. In doing so it can seem a very narrow and harsh lens which often produces highly opinionated people, whose narrow focus, and entitled sense of their right to critique others, prevails over an adequate examination of their own shadow or a review of their own personal immaturity and  inner despondency. 

If you look at the complexity of the world through a single narrow jaundiced lens, no matter how cleverly you analyse it, everything in it will all be tinted yellow. A model which seems to me to represent the best of thinking is to view any aspect of experience through the multiple lenses the best of each refined discipline offers us – like looking  through the multiple individual facets of a cut jewel. Even if these views apparently arrive at opposing conclusions, nonetheless collectively they do offer a window on reality, and collectively  illuminate something of its truth. It seems to me that the new physics, both in its method and observations, was taking us to that place, along with the multiple lenses  developed disciplines offer us (however, this takes a breadth of commitment to education that demands a great deal of effort). Critics of the children of post-modernism point out the origins of its approach in the outflow of academics from the collapse of the communist experiment. Critics see these people as having a narrow grasp on knowledge and history, and a poor ability to integrate studies at depth, with a reductionist and cynical power-motivated agenda underlying the whole project – the ‘problematisers’ themselves being seen by some as the most problematic of all. It would seem that others see the  disciples of post-modernism very differently from the way they see themselves, and believe  they might rightly use the tools of their own trade to ‘deconstruct’ their own position more profitably than criticising others. We are all fallible and must cut each other some slack  – forgive that you may be forgiven – and don’t presume to ‘pluck the speck out of your sisters eye …….’. 

Trigger warning – Emile Paglia is uncompromising in her disdain for the state of American academia and for postmodernists – if this frank attack might in way hurt your feelings you are advised not to watch.

Linking Lives Visiting scheme new lead  Staff member  We are pleased to  announce that St Saviour’s Church Brockley Rise has appointed a new facilitator and project worker. Sam has started in September – we pray for his every blessing in the post. St Hilda’s is the support partner to St Saviour’s – the Linking Lives scheme works across both our parishes.

Our Mission is – ‘To call people to the fullness of Christ’
by committing ourselves:
to Worship with awe and love
to Serve with generosity and humility
to Grow by being and making disciples


The rest of this page is historic material


Live stream link :

Response Current  Covid19 Emergency 2020
The Church Building may be  currently closed for worship; but  the Church as the Body of Christ is always living and active as  she  breathes the Holy Spirit  and is united  in  heaven and Earth.  We continue to  hold in the highest place in our hearts those sick or vulnerable, those offering  front line services  especially our health workers. Daily prayers are offered at home.  There has been wonderful response among church members  supporting each other  and  thinking of new ways to  fulfil,  our calling to worship together.    If you need us  please call or email – pastoral  provisions are  working well by phone  and  services are to be live streamed on Sundays and at other published items  from the  Vicarage. Do see the  Worship Home page  above  for  Sunday Eucharist sheet  and sepcial resources for Sunday including  a link  for live streaming. 

Site and Site management through the ‘lock down’
We have a key worker supporting  nursery on site:  so a skeleton office with  functions for site maintenance H &S etc remain live. these are at at reduced level to minimise journeys for staff. 

Christmas Fundraising 2019  Update – total for Childrens Society £986
We were pleased to welcome  so many  to all our services and to host the special service for Stillness School, and the Humy Mummies concert.  The christingles were much enjoyed Together we have raised at noteworthy £986  for the Childrens Society.

We offer a rich experience of worship and teaching  in the Church of England’s Catholic (High Church) tradition, and  enjoy playing our part in our area. We share our buildings, with over 35   groups  offering community based activities on our site, and with families for parties on saturdays.  We collate and  deliver a community  oreintated church magazine  ‘Impact’.  

Safeguarding St Hilda’s takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Our Safeguarding officer  Stella can be contacted  on 07832345934  or  the Diocesan Safeguarding  Team on 020 7939 9476.  For Further information and helplines that can support you: click here for our  Safeguarding page.

Our building is a feature Grade 2 Arts and Crafts Structure now 109 years old.  We recently completed  a major restoration of roofing and high level masonry.

Alpha at St Hildas We offer  the ‘Alpha course’  its freindly, relaxed and open, and you are welcome to join us  our next course starts inseptember 2020 –  contact: Father.bates@sainthildas.   See our  ‘Alpha’ tab for more details.

Regular Service times – follow this link   

Our Misison is  – ‘To call people to the fullness of Christ’
by committing ourselves:
to Worship with awe and love
to Serve with generosity and humility
to Grow by making new disciples

Join us for  St Hilda’s for  ‘Cuppa and chat’ Tuesdays 11am-1pm – games and social  – Quiz  every 2nd Tuesday entrance via Main Door in Courtrai Road. See twitter feed for photos.

Alpha Course  up and running – New Course starts end of  September 2019
We have  run Alpha for the first time building up our experince  ready to Welcome enquirers again in September 2019.  Are you thinking of renewing your connection to your faith?  Would you liketo find out what the Christian faith offers  in a non judgemetnal and open  group-  do make contact  if you like  join us  this autumn

The church is open to visit and  for * quiet reflection  – on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10.30 -6pm;   Saturdays  11 – 5pm; Sundays 9-12.30 pm;  and  Wednesdays 3- 6pm: Once the warm roof  and restoration is achieved,  we hope to have  funds to staff the office have even more open hours.

Get to know us better:

Food Bank Forest Hill –  leave contributions in our Crucifix Door Porch
Since  Harvest 2017   St Hilda’s  has collected over 270kg  of foods and toiletries etc to help families in need. ‘My Jamii Cafe’ has been a local  collection point for the food bank for some time – and we are happy  to welcome contributions  at the Crucifx Door Porch  –  leave them in the porch if no one answers the buzzer – but if you will, do put in a note with your email address. The Food Bank need  particular items from time to time  – canned meats, vegetables, fruits, and breakfast cereals are always good, and  also babies’ nappies, baby food  toothpaste and lavatory paper.

9 metre ‘Mobile’ art work:  a pillar of flames over the font

mobile above font

Pentecost mission flames painted by  members over the weeks since Whitsunday have been assembled into a  very attractive  9 meter high mobile. Each flame represents in colour  each person’s commitment to offer their gifts to St Hilda’s to  enable new Christians to be made and  new members  to find a home and an purpose in our congregation

Lent Jars 2018  are for three Practical Action Projects in Asia, Africa and South America

St Hildas Ash Mob on front of the Bridge news  paper – see photos on twitter feed to left

 7 Confirmed at Southwark Cathedral
4 Teengers and two Adults were confirmed  at Southwark Cathedral on Nov 25th  by the Bishop of Kingston. St Hilda’s members were the most numerous supporters at the service and we were proud so many  came out to witness to our candidates how important this  event and  commitment will be for their lives.




St Hilda’s Member  elected Deputy Young Mayor of Lewisham
We are proud of one of our younger members who polled the most  first place votes in the recent  election for young mayor; with the second place votes taken into consideration he has acheived the post of deputy young mayor for this year.

9 metre ‘Mobile’ art work:  a pillar of flames over the font
Pentecost mission flames painted by  members over the weeks since Whitsunday have been assembled into a  very attractive  9 meter high mobile. Each flame represents in colour  each person’s commitment to offer their gifts to St Hilda’s to  enable new Christians to be made and  new members  to find a home and an purpose in our congregation

Warm Roof Fund  Local Appeal
Exceeds  25k Target by £3753
The Lewisham 3 Peaks Challenge walkers and their sponsors brought in £1733. Jays Budgen’s fundraising  though the plastic bag charge has added a further  £2001 . The final total of the local appeal  is £28753.65

A big  thank you  to our local donors and to our major grant funders for finance support and encouragement.

Photo right : Our Vicar Father Stuart  with Laura Barnham  who organised the event.



News from the Church of England


Donating to support us- we appreciate  all who wish to  be part of our life, work and witness:Thanks to all who have braved banking online to send in donations. Our bank details are to the  right.  Tip for online banking: you have to leave out the apostrophe on ‘St Hildas’, so that it reads ‘St Hildas’ – otherwise the banks will not accept our account name. some banks accept the account name St Hilda’s PCC. do let me know if you send a special gift:

Covid Period Blues ? – Scroll down for helpful resources

Does God seem far away at present? Have your life problems caught up with you? God is never as far away as we think. Sometimes He can only be known by the shape left by His absence; only be desired in mourning that which seemingly has fled from us. This beautiful offering from Pentatonix might give voice to the prayer your heart is longing to pray. 

For those who are bereaved or fearful, the Christian hope is both a great strength, and a power of transformation. We have posted this  beautiful song sung by Mr Stephen Eldridge for any who might need  to reconnect to the Christian faith at this time. Our thanks to  Stephen for this and all his YouTube offerings over the covid period.

The Grieving Process in a Pandemic – Navigating the New (and Lonely) ‘Rules’

Covid Period – struggling mentally? Some of these links might help  –

Apathy – Why it Matters if You Stop Caring About Anything
When Working from Home stops being funReasons you might be feeling low
Overthinking Why You Do It and How to Stop
Fear of Death When Pandemic Makes Us Face Mortality
Made Redundant Thanks to Covid-19? Coping With Losing Work
On Each Other’s Nerves? How to Navigate“Coronavirus Relationship Conflict”
Surviving Lockdown With Family– This Can Help
Overreacting, or “Triggered”?Pandemic and Prior Mental Health Issues
Reaching Out Hard? 12 Keys to Getting Support

The ‘Worship Home Page’ has full notices and  Liturgy sheet and also the Livestream link  for use at home – or you can click this link: This weeks NEWS and Sunday Service sheet for use at home

St Hilda’s Livestream
use this  link to go to our ‘You tube’  home page
You have to Subscribe first to be able to  access livestreams  
– hit Subscribe
– hit the  Live Service advert  to access the upcoming livestream
– hit receive notifications: when a new stream is scheduled YouTube will let you know

Covid Virus –  Struggling with Isolating ?   Help is at hand
There are teams locally who want to help you. Two locally co-ordinated groups which have organised teams across our ward are:

Crofton and Honor Oak Park Mutual Aid See their web page for guidance and links to useful  information.
If you need help:

DCR1 Mutual Aid Group   See the national web page for guidance and links: website 
Direct local telephone: 07515 875 560
Both groups split into localities along the lines of the local polling station areas (ours is DCR1). If you are just off the map but nearby, it’s OK to ask for help.

St Hilda’s is the Church of England
Parish Church of Crofton Park

We Worship God in Christ Jesus. We believe he enfolds us in the fellowship of his Church both those with whom we worship here in earth, and the Saints  in God’s nearer presence. We believe everyone has purpose to be revealed in God’s love as the Holy Spirit works in our lives. Our beautiful Church building and style of worship express for us the beauty, truth and goodness of the Life God offers us. If you come, you will meet great people  who will be happy you have come to stand before God’s Altar, willing to Worship, Grow and Serve with us. As Christ opened wide his arms on the cross for all people, so we believe that God embraces us in our different backgrounds, gifts and struggles for his good purpose, he accepts and works with people where they are. We ask  from all who come a readiness to  worship alongside others who are imperfect yet who find their true unity and purpose in Christ, and who look forward to discovering who we may be through his Love at work in our lives.

Covid Virus – struggling spiritually? Many people are finding this a time  to reconnect to their Faith : when life is ‘interrupted’, we can sometimes find our inner ‘core’ awakened – the ‘core’ where the Holy Spirit gives us both Life and Strength. Through his presence we connect to others in Worship and Prayer. If you are fearful, offering that fear to God can change things; you can turn your anxiety into a prayer for others in need, and by so doing, you open your heart to God’s transforming presence. Here is a traditional prayer of St Augustine –  you might like to say it to focus your intention. First, lift all your fearful thoughts and feelings to God as if you were offering him a gift (you may feel this is odd, but to God it is a wonderful gift He has been waiting to receive from you). Lift up those in need, and then use the following (or another prayer – perhaps ‘Our Father’)  to declare your deepest intention and desire for others to be helped:

Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight,
and give Your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend Your sick ones, O Lord Christ,
Rest Your weary ones,
Bless Your dying ones,
Soothe Your suffering ones,
Pity Your afflicted ones,
Shield Your joyous ones,
and all for Your love’s sake.  Amen.

Many people have found that connecting to a  worshipping congregation through live streamed services  is a great experience.       You are welcome to join us on our Sunday Live Stream from Church  – check out our Worship home page:
Live Stream and Eucharist sheet for use at home

Unrest and upset in the current period :

Post-modernist movements come  centre stage. It is good for us to consider what it means, what opportunities and learning it affords and how to respond powerfullyand graciously.
The stressful nature of this period has impacted on us all. The needs and tensions of our  societies, and of groups and causes within them, have been exacerbated and highlighted in our lives. How should we be in the world with each other? This is a big issue of human living – one that is at the heart of God’s concern for our full well-being.  How might  Christians respond to various movements and cultural phenomena of the era that secularists call post-modern? Understanding more deeply what is happening is important. Christians rightly do not just sit around uncaring. But how do we properly engage with social justice issues? With whom might we be making common cause? Should we do so without careful theological reflection? I am reminded of the French Revolution, where the clergy initially supported the demands for reform, and then were horribly persecuted by the ravening forces.  Below are links to two articles : the first from a traditionalist Protestant intellectual point of view. It’s well researched and clearly written to illuminate, to challenge, to help us re-root our bemused minds in God’s revelation of Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life; and not just to help us speak from a position of critical discernment, but also to take to heart elements of post-modern insights which help us review our interpretation of our faith, and improve our presentation of it.  Grace.

As a good Anglican I have also sourced a very different and  useful article written by a Catholic author in 2010. Like the angling of our two eyes to achieve depth of vision, this should give a richer perspective on how we must be as servants of the Eternal God in a world of temporal cultures and evanescent human social, intellectual and political movements. This author helps us review the context and multiple strands of thinking in Post modernism and to look further how they can help us speak more cogently to people whose minds have been formed by the highly stimulated and strange abstraction of  modern culture.
I would be interested to hear her reflections on current times, particularly on the espousal of violence against persons, institutions, and the ‘cancel culture’.  

Post-modernism would seem to many Christians to be at best a ‘two edged sword’: a useful perspective to have in a ‘kit of tools’ to bring into play as needed, but when globalised (totalised) as a world view, and allowed to dominate all other disciplines, to become a corrosive force truly destructive of intellectual wellbeing and the cohesive living it purports to be enabling. For Christians who have espoused post-modernism there are significant challenges to our whole understanding of the meaning and nature of things, not least to the Biblical witness to God’s revelation in the life of mankind – which post-modernists would consider to be a ‘totalizing meta-narrative’, in their view a bad habit of naughty people (of course that view might itself be considered to be a ‘totalising meta- narrative’ – but shhh! don’t say that in front of them- one thing is for sure, they  find it hard to take their own medicine – though Jacques Derrida was himself open about the  contradiction at the heart of his ‘deconstruction’ method).

Many Christians would feel we fit more comfortably with the position called ‘Critical Realism’ which embraces both theology and science – there is a Truth, but it is not simple  nor can it be so easily encapsulated in  thought but we do discern it and  we are on our way to discover it through many different means and ways – and  for Christians  through being excited by science  and not least by following One in whom we find The Way, The Truth and The Life. Post-modernism stresses that truth is entirely relative and subjective (I think this is important to understand, as many of us who appreciate aspects of a ‘post-modern’ approach may well not accept at all its potential level of disdain for the quest of understanding, or its level of exultation of the validity of individual subjectivity). Post- modernist criticism uses tools to deconstruct the ‘stories’/grand schemes we consciously or semi-consciously inhabit, and reduces all elements to binary structures, with designated power relationships being the base level of life – no love, no standard of excellence or beauty, no mediation of higher meaning or purpose – just power relationships as defined by them, and the cures proposed by their disciples – hence the accusation that it is fundamentally Marxist and a reductionism project with a narrow and cynical agenda. In doing so it can seem a very narrow and harsh lens which often produces highly opinionated people, whose narrow focus, and entitled sense of their right to critique others, prevails over an adequate examination of their own shadow or a review of their own personal immaturity and  inner despondency. 

If you look at the complexity of the world through a single narrow jaundiced lens, no matter how cleverly you analyse it, everything in it will all be tinted yellow. A model which seems to me to represent the best of thinking is to view any aspect of experience through the multiple lenses the best of each refined discipline offers us – like looking  through the multiple individual facets of a cut jewel. Even if these views apparently arrive at opposing conclusions, nonetheless collectively they do offer a window on reality, and collectively  illuminate something of its truth. It seems to me that the new physics, both in its method and observations, was taking us to that place, along with the multiple lenses  developed disciplines offer us (however, this takes a breadth of commitment to education that demands a great deal of effort). Critics of the children of post-modernism point out the origins of its approach in the outflow of academics from the collapse of the communist experiment. Critics see these people as having a narrow grasp on knowledge and history, and a poor ability to integrate studies at depth, with a reductionist and cynical power-motivated agenda underlying the whole project – the ‘problematisers’ themselves being seen by some as the most problematic of all. It would seem that others see the  disciples of post-modernism very differently from the way they see themselves, and believe  they might rightly use the tools of their own trade to ‘deconstruct’ their own position more profitably than criticising others. We are all fallible and must cut each other some slack  – forgive that you may be forgiven – and don’t presume to ‘pluck the speck out of your sisters eye …….’. 

Trigger warning – Emile Paglia is uncompromising in her disdain for the state of American academia and for postmodernists – if this frank attack might in way hurt your feelings you are advised not to watch.

Linking Lives Visiting scheme new lead  Staff memberWe are pleased to  announce that St Saviour’s Church Brockley Rise has appointed a new facilitator and project worker. Sam has started in September – we pray for his every blessing in the post. St Hilda’s is the support partner to St Saviour’s – the Linking Lives scheme works across both our parishes.

Our Mission is – ‘To call people to the fullness of Christ
by committing ourselves:
to Worship with awe and love
to Serve with generosity and humility
to Grow by being and making disciples


The rest of this page is historic material


Live stream link :

Response Current  Covid19 Emergency 2020
The Church Building may be  currently closed for worship; but  the Church as the Body of Christ is always living and active as  she  breathes the Holy Spirit  and is united  in  heaven and Earth.  We continue to  hold in the highest place in our hearts those sick or vulnerable, those offering  front line services  especially our health workers. Daily prayers are offered at home.  There has been wonderful response among church members  supporting each other  and  thinking of new ways to  fulfil,  our calling to worship together.    If you need us  please call or email – pastoral  provisions are  working well by phone  and  services are to be live streamed on Sundays and at other published items  from the  Vicarage. Do see the  Worship Home page  above  for  Sunday Eucharist sheet  and sepcial resources for Sunday including  a link  for live streaming. 

Site and Site management through the ‘lock down’
We have a key worker supporting  nursery on site:  so a skeleton office with  functions for site maintenance H &S etc remain live. these are at at reduced level to minimise journeys for staff. 

Christmas Fundraising 2019  Update – total for Childrens Society £986
We were pleased to welcome  so many  to all our services and to host the special service for Stillness School, and the Humy Mummies concert.  The christingles were much enjoyed Together we have raised at noteworthy £986  for the Childrens Society.

We offer a rich experience of worship and teaching in the Church of England’s Catholic (High Church) tradition, and  enjoy playing our part in our area. We share our buildings, with over 35   groups  offering community based activities on our site, and with families for parties on saturdays.  We collate and  deliver a community  oreintated church magazine  ‘Impact’.  

Safeguarding St Hilda’s takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Our Safeguarding officer  Stella can be contacted  on 07832345934  or  the Diocesan Safeguarding  Team on 020 7939 9476.  For Further information and helplines that can support you:click here for our  Safeguarding page.

Our building is a feature Grade 2 Arts and Crafts Structure now 109 years old.  We recently completed  a major restoration of roofing and high level masonry.

Alpha at St Hildas We offer  the ‘Alpha course’  its freindly, relaxed and open, and you are welcome to join us  our next course starts inseptember 2020 –  contact: Father.bates@sainthildas.   See our  ‘Alpha’ tab for more details.

Regular Service times follow this link

Our Misison is  – ‘To call people to the fullness of Christ’
by committing ourselves:
to Worship with awe and love
to Serve with generosity and humility
to Grow by making new disciples

Join us for  St Hilda’s for  ‘Cuppa and chat’ Tuesdays 11am-1pm – games and social  – Quiz  every 2nd Tuesday entrance via Main Door in Courtrai Road. See twitter feed for photos.

Alpha Course  up and running – New Course starts end of  September 2019
We have  run Alpha for the first time building up our experince  ready to Welcome enquirers again in September 2019.  Are you thinking of renewing your connection to your faith?  Would you liketo find out what the Christian faith offers  in a non judgemetnal and open  group-  do make contact  if you like  join us  this autumn

The church is open to visit and  for * quiet reflection  – on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10.30 -6pm;   Saturdays  11 – 5pm; Sundays 9-12.30 pm;  and  Wednesdays 3- 6pm: Once the warm roof  and restoration is achieved,  we hope to have  funds to staff the office have even more open hours.

Get to know us better:

Food Bank Forest Hill –  leave contributions in our Crucifix Door Porch
Since  Harvest 2017   St Hilda’s  has collected over 270kg  of foods and toiletries etc to help families in need. ‘My Jamii Cafe’ has been a local  collection point for the food bank for some time – and we are happy  to welcome contributions  at the Crucifx Door Porch  –  leave them in the porch if no one answers the buzzer – but if you will, do put in a note with your email address. The Food Bank need  particular items from time to time  – canned meats, vegetables, fruits, and breakfast cereals are always good, and  also babies’ nappies, baby food  toothpaste and lavatory paper.

9 metre ‘Mobile’ art work:  a pillar of flames over the font

mobile above font

Pentecost mission flames painted by  members over the weeks since Whitsunday have been assembled into a  very attractive  9 meter high mobile. Each flame represents in colour  each person’s commitment to offer their gifts to St Hilda’s to  enable new Christians to be made and  new members  to find a home and an purpose in our congregation

Lent Jars 2018  are for three Practical Action Projects in Asia, Africa and South America

St Hildas Ash Mob on front of the Bridge news  paper – see photos on twitter feed to left

 7 Confirmed at Southwark Cathedral
4 Teengers and two Adults were confirmed  at Southwark Cathedral on Nov 25th  by the Bishop of Kingston. St Hilda’s members were the most numerous supporters at the service and we were proud so many  came out to witness to our candidates how important this  event and  commitment will be for their lives.




St Hilda’s Member  elected Deputy Young Mayor of Lewisham
We are proud of one of our younger members who polled the most  first place votes in the recent  election for young mayor; with the second place votes taken into consideration he has acheived the post of deputy young mayor for this year.

9 metre ‘Mobile’ art work:  a pillar of flames over the font
Pentecost mission flames painted by  members over the weeks since Whitsunday have been assembled into a  very attractive  9 meter high mobile. Each flame represents in colour  each person’s commitment to offer their gifts to St Hilda’s to  enable new Christians to be made and  new members  to find a home and an purpose in our congregation

Warm Roof Fund  Local Appeal
Exceeds  25k Target by £3753
he Lewisham 3 Peaks Challenge walkers and their sponsors brought in £1733. Jays Budgen’s fundraising  though the plastic bag charge has added a further  £2001 . The final total of the local appeal  is £28753.65

A big  thank you  to our local donors and to our major grant funders for finance support and encouragement.

Photo right : Our Vicar Father Stuart  with Laura Barnham  who organised the event.



News from the Church of England


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